Monday, November 5, 2012

My week during Hurricane Sandy blackout

       I've been away from my social networks for a full week! That was the first time its has been a blackout for a week. Blackouts here didn't last long before, maybe an hour or more. Besides that me and my family were doing well. Of course we were all getting kind of annoyed because we didn't have any hot water and then on the radio they will tell us "oh the lights will be on Wednesday" and never came on. It was actually getting on my nerves. Anyway during this week some of my family members including me would play monopoly. Although I wish we had more games to play other than monopoly but it was fun! I usually don't play monopoly but I gave in because there was nothing else to do.
     I am grateful that me and my family had food to eat and that our stove was working. So we could make soup and eggs and what not. I could honestly say during this whole week it made me and my family closer. Personally during the blackout we had fun, we were joking around with each other, I would be in one of my brothers room and we would play games, listen to the radio and pick at each other and whatever we could think of. Although we did have fun we were getting tired of being in the dark for those five days. Thank God the lights came back on Saturday morning. We were screaming from the top of our lungs. I think the whole block could hear us. I felt good to have out light back on. My niece told me she miss the lights being out, because we were having so much fun playing the board games. Even with the odds, my family and I beat it. I know it was God who kept us sane though it all.
         Although my lights are back on, I'm praying for those who lost their houses, and/or still don't have lights I pray they come on real soon. I hated not having light and I hate for other to be without light either. Also my heart and prayers goes out to those who lost loved ones during the hurricane.

XO Cel 

1 comment:

  1. wow 5 days is quite a long time. When I was a kid and the lights went out, it was frustrating at the start but after a while we got used to it and like you we got to bond on a different level by telling each other stories, some which were scary and rather unnecessary especially for the current darkness lol but it was always fun.
    I hope people are gradually recovering from the hurricane, God is their strength


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